Ninie Ahmad: Off her yoga mat.

Her affirmations of staying optimistic especially when she's (upside) down.

I feel like starting all over. Today.

with 3 comments

For things to change, choose to BE THE CHANGE.

Recently, I travelled to China for a yoga teacher’s training certification (TTC): Hips Openers & Twists (Detoxification) and eversince, I have been trying my very best to clear, cleanse and let go of chemical, physical and emotional toxins my body has been collecting for the past 27 years, forgetting a significant part of my life that might have played a major part in contributing the amount of stress I suffered from of late; online toxin.

A wise man said, “If you are not happy about something, try to change it yourself. If you can’t, change your attitude – STOP COMPLAINING”.

I decide to be the change I have always wanted to see and be.

So let’s start over.

scorpion hstand

My full name given by my parents means ‘The Highest Light of Enlightenment’ in direct translation but I am fondly (and more comfortably) known as Ninie Ahmad. I have been teaching yoga asana and pranayama (poses and breathing) since 2001 and I own a little yoga studio in Damansara Perdana, Malaysia called BE Yoga.

What I intend to share here are mostly what I feel, what I wear, what I teach, what I believe, what I eat and what I do not.

I love taking full charge of my day, my space and almost everything else within my reach so you can mostly expect only colourful and positive energy here as energy (prana) in any form, is highly infectious. I believe in entertaining others how I wish to be treated hence I believe, most people and you would to. Especially here.

Love and light.

Written by Ninie Ahmad

August 12, 2009 at 9:42 AM

Posted in I feel

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3 Responses

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  1. wah wah wah, own domain!

    happy friday ninie~

    The Banker

    August 14, 2009 at 6:37 AM

    • Thank you!
      Now you can have 😉

      Ninie Ahmad

      August 17, 2009 at 3:31 PM

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